Saturday, December 1, 2018

Meme Presentation


That is right folks for one post, and one post only, I am going to make a guest appearance on my own blog for my final presentation for this project.

Monday, November 19, 2018

One Last Time

I guess this is goodbye

In this final blog (sad face) I will showcase one article that will assist in the final analysis of my samples. Then, I will show how this article assists as such while utilizing two memes out of my sample.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Analyzing My Sample

In this post I will bring back Shifman (2013) and week five looking at how strategies employed can influence how memes are understood and interpreted.

We saw a massive turn during the 2008 presidential election, dubbing it the first Web 2.0 campaign (Shifman, 2013). Memes are impacting the ways in not just how we find humor, but how we are informed and even the way we interact with the world. Shifman (2013) explains how memes can play a variety of roles: forms of persuasion, grassroots actions, and modes of expression and public discussion.

Shifman believes that memes can persuade us in the sense that they can affect the way we view candidates or political figures, impacting the vote (2013).  She also believes that memes can empower citizens to stand up and take political action. Thirdly, Shifman states, “Meme creation is an accessible, cheap, and enjoyable route for voicing one’s political opinions. As a result, any major event of the past few years has generated a flux of commentary memes” (2013, p. 123).

The reason why these ideas are relevant for my analysis is that the nature of my study is political, expressing political ideas and perspectives. All ten memes selected directly deal with political views, regarding race and or gender and the privileges certain groups have over another. These memes usually inform others of their political view; however, they can fall into the first category by challenging how we see political figures.

When looking at all the memes in my sample it is clear that all of them are political, usually sharing the opinion some have of those in power (or right before they gained more power). Also, because this was such a massive event to take place within the States, numerous memes were capturing this hearing, and internet users were able to create and share them with ease because it was broadcasted and shared for everyone to consume. There were a variety of outlets covering the hearing, there were hashtags employed by viewers, and images shared instantly from the hearing.

For instance, in sample meme number three shares not only the opinion of the user that created the meme, but also shows the opinion of many who viewed the meme and the hearing. This image is one of the most famous from the hearing; it was reproduced a variety of times making it accessible and cheap for users to utilize. Also, this meme always users to voice their opinion with users without much effort for them.

Also, in sample meme number seven we see how these memes can meet many ideals Shifman (2013) mentions, both form of persuasion and expression opinion. Regarding how this can be persuasive, this shows that those who are privileged are using their power irresponsibly and it is a shame that this is how they can act when others would be condemned if they acted as such. Also, this shares the opinion because there are some who believe in racial and gender differences are beneficial and fair; this shows the opposition’s side against this inequality.

With all of this said leads to the critical question: what does all of this mean and why is this important? Through understanding that memes can be more than a source of entertainment, that they can influence us in a political sense is imperative to understand. Memes can influence us, the discourse they create can influence us, these memes influence the emotions and thoughts regarding memes made regarding high-profile legislative hearings.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Week 10: Final Meme Sample

The time has come, it is time for me to select the 10 images I will use for my analysis. The following memes were chosen due to the fact they meet the criteria as mentioned in the previous blog posts I have made.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Memes will Guide You Home - Research

This week I am going to take some time to clear up any comments that have come up during these last few weeks. After that, I am going to clarify any other points further before I continue in this process. Then, I explain how my memes exemplify what I am looking for. To finish up this week, I will examine three more memes, showing how they fit into what I am looking for regarding this project.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Creating the Sample

This week I am taking my project a step further in what and how I am assessing these memes related to the Kavanaugh hearings. Here I am going to list three criteria I will be using throughout this project.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Refining Meme Research

My research explores the theme of gender (as per the binary system in place) and race and how internet memes frame historical and controversial events.

This case study is focused on the Brett Kavanagh hearing regarding the allegations made by Dr. Ford against him. The memes are directly from Kavanaugh’s reaction of said claims from the hearing on September 27, 2018.

My proposed research question is: What messages are sent when internet memes are made regarding legislative hearings, specifically the Kavanagh hearing regarding allegations of sexual assault when featuring reactions targeting racial or gender?

To answer this question, I will study 10 internet memes highlighting Kavanagh’s reaction to the allegations during the hearing and observing how his response is compared to someone of a different gender or race.

Memes will be selected on the following criteria: include an image of Brett Kavanagh, are from the hearing held on September 27th, and text referencing gender and/or race.

Below are two examples in which I will include within this study. Both memes feature Kavanagh at the hearing and focus on either gender or race. These two memes specifically look at gender, in how there are double standards for women in the professional domain.

Credit: X 

This first meme depicts one of the many infamous images of Kavanagh, in which he is seen losing his composure during this rather severe moment. It directly highlights how women are told to keep their emotions in check; otherwise, they are deemed unstable enough for any position. However, when he lost his composure, he was considered to be as someone who was hurt and a passionate man trying to defend himself.

Credit: X 
The second meme showcases another infamous moment from the trial in which Kavanagh is screaming, and the women behind him show a range of emotions. This text indirectly calls out the notion that women should smile more, we even have the term “resting bitch face” because if women are not smiling, they are deemed to be a “bitch”.

These two memes highlight some of the main critiques made by women in how Kavanagh handled himself and was revered by those in support of him.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Meme Project Proposal

What shall it meme?

Alright, the time has come, I must select a direction for this blog. For this blog, and in turn the rest of my posts, I will be focusing on memes that are focusing on the Brett Kavanaugh accusations, explicitly focusing on gender and race.

For anyone who does not know who Brett Kavanaugh is, he is a nominee for the Supreme Court and was recently accused of sexual misconduct against three women currently, but I have a feeling this number may rise. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the first victim to speak up, testified against him on September 27th to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Both during and after the testimony of Dr. Ford and Kavanaugh the internet was abuzz with people sharing their opinions and as well memes from the trial. Kavanaugh lost his composure several times during the hearing, and well some internet users decided to have some fun with this. Although what the hearing regarded was not humorous by any means memes were still created in both favors and against Kavanaugh.

For this project, I will be focusing on memes that compare the two binary genders and/or race. This is such a crucial time in our history, this case is going to dictate so much for our political future, and honestly the way in which we treat our victims of sexual crimes. These memes are an extension of the ways we see the world, it is essential to see what we are sharing on such crucial moments. With this breaking news and event that has no end in sight I feel as though this is the perfect current news to follow and see how perhaps memes even progress over the process, we will see if that comes to be.

The meme of the Week

To give a sneak peek of what is to come, here are two memes that give you an idea of what I will be examining throughout the rest of this process. These memes are helping lay foundational work of what is to come for the rest of this project.

Credit: X
This first meme deals with race and gender all at once. There are many ways that the US still privileges a white male over anyone else honestly. There have been many talks throughout the years how the Constitution was written by white men, for white men, and how to this day we still live by this mindset. The meme depicts a moment in which Kavanaugh lost his composure, and the internet had some fun with it. I selected this because it deals with both aspects of race and gender and has a lot of the viral components of memes which we have discussed in the previous weeks.

Credit: X

The second meme focuses specifically on gender, comparing Kavanaugh and Hillary Clinton. In both memes we see them poking fun at his inability to remain professional during this hearing. However, now we see how someone else who is a higher-ranking official was on trial and was able to stay calm during their trial, and it was even a woman who could do it. I selected this meme because this helps to examine some of the double standards that exist in our country and how this can be harmful.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Narratives that Promote Responses to Memes

To the right? To the left? Let meme decide for you!

That’s right, this week’s theme is politics and how memes are affecting how we decide, understand, and discuss our political situations. Before I continue with this post I want to take a moment to warn my readers that this post will be about the #MeToo movement, this may trigger specific incidents in which you wish not to think about or remember. Another warning, these memes are condemning this movement, so again if this is going to stir up unpleasant thoughts or feelings perhaps this post is not for you. Please take this moment and decide if you wish to continue reading this. Finally, understand that the memes and analysis of these memes do not represent the thoughts of me, the writer, I am merely completing an assignment.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

How Memes Communicate Humor

Wait for a MEMEit! What’s going on in the world?

We have talked about where memes came from, why they work, and how they are shared. Now this week, I want to take it a step further and working on where specific memes come from, how recent news stories help attribute to the meme community. Also, this week I am going to break down the humorous aspect of this meme and what this all means.

Friday, September 14, 2018

What Makes a Meme Successful?

 Is it the shares? The content? What is it?

Shifman (2013) believes that it is the “six Ps” in which dictate which mems go viral or not. What are these mysterious six Ps that are here to help us crack the code? She says it is simply: “positivity, provocation of high-arousal emotions, participation, packing, prestige, and positioning” (Shifman, 2013, p. 66). It seems almost too good to be true, right? Well, what if I told you there is a lot more at play here than what meets the eyes?

Meme Presentation

GUESS WHO'S BACK!!  That is right folks for one post, and one post only, I am going to make a guest appearance on my own blog for my f...